Kalash Valley
Devalok is a guardian made of fire. He protects the Kalasha people from disasters and calamities. Every year on winter festival, people make a communal sacrifice for him, people also make individual sacrifices for him all year round. It is also said that he attends the festival in some form. He comes in people's dream, (especially religious people) and when he does, it calls for a sacrifice and if ignored, it leads to some catastrophe like floods.
Kalash Valley
This is a festival conducted by the Kalasha people to celebrate the arrival of spring. This is when seeds are sown; sacrifices are made for animals as they depart for the pastures. It also celebrates the arrival of new babies in the communities; milk is gathered and distributed to each household. This festival is celebrated from the 12th of May to 17th of May in each village.
Kalash Valley
This festival is conducted by the Kalasha people to celebrate the arrival of new year and to thank for the blessings bestowed upon them in the year that has passed. Sacrifices and supplications are made and dances are performed by the community. This festival goes on from 8th December to 22nd December in which some days are open for the entire public whilst a few days are reserved only for the private communal practices.
High to Medium
The vernacular housing system of the Kalasha is typically known as the cator and cribbage construction. Vernacular structures in Kalash employ cribbage system which have proven to be stable in earthquake-prone regions. The use of timber is considerably greater making the structure heavier. The corners of the structure are in cribbage style using timber with masonry, which connects to the timber cators running horizontally across the walls.
Kalash Valley
Specific pathways are dedicated by the Kalasha to reach the altars, temples and pastures. It is a part of their tradition to use these specified pathways which are also declared Onjesta and Pragata depending on the time of the year.
The graveyard of Brun village falls in the pathway of annual flash flooding that is right in the pathway of the Brun Nullah. SInce the community practices open burial, the dead bodies and their remains are mostly washed out or buried under the bulk of debris from high mountain slopes.
Kalash Valley
Osain is a head band that is tied around the forehead of cattle or women to protect from evil eye or headaches; a Dashman (healer) gives Osain after writing a sacred spell over it.
Kalash Valley
Red grapes are coarsely crushed and left underground for natural fermentation till it gains the required alcohol content; the mixture is shaken at regular intervals and the final product is produced after several weeks. The older the wine, the better the taste.
Kalash Valley
A signature Kalasha dish perfect for cold weather. Meat broth is reduced over slow heat by stirring at regular occasions; after it becomes thick, salt is added to taste and flour mixed with water (paste consistency) is slowly added to the pot to make the soup thicker - the adding of flour paste is repeated at regular intervals till desired consistency or thickness of the soup is achieved. This soup can have two more variations; 1) its is reduced so thick that it turns into a gravy to be eaten with bread as main course, 2) contemporary versions have green chilli, tomatoes and vinegar in the soup to make it more palatable.
Kalash Valley
An effigy of the ancestor is carved out of Cedar Trunk to commemorate him and erected in the graveyard; making of this effigy is expensive and thus only those with a certain social status in the community can afford to get it made. The ceremony of the statue erection is accompanied by sacrificing 40 goats and a cow where entire community is invited
Kalash Valley
Low to medium
Kosatha was the head of Rayaugdari family (Unat Big is one of his descendants); he constructed the temples and Bhashali of Grabat Koi after getting divine signals; he was so strong that every time non Kalasha enemy (Muslims in this case) would try to kill him, he would take a rebirth; when he finally died, a Juniper tree grew out of his head; that tree is still present in the graveyard of Grabat Koi.