Hundur village
Traditional weaving using goat hair is named as Philas, pattern used by the community and are being passed on from generation to generation. Traditional patterns includes some diagonal, linear and central geometrical shaped weavings. These are used in every household for daily usage on the floor and also for decorative purposes on the walls. Due to less cattle farming, less raw material is available for making these carpets/rugs. They are at high risk as less people use these now, less raw materials and craftsman for this purpose, and synthetic carpets are easily available in the market at cheap prices.
Hundur village
The skill of making traditional wooden carved utensils using local tools. These utensils are used for various purposes like storage, cooking and eating. Many traditional cuisines are served with these wooden utensils, Khapun (wooden spoon) is used with traditional cuisine Daawdo. People use plastic and other material utensils (cheaper) now a days as it takes more time to make these, also less craftsman are available now for making these utensils.
All along Yasin valley
Chipur is a plant used for medicinal purpose across Yasin valley. It is a natural herb grown in Yasin valley even in the barren lands. It is used in solid, and liquid, both forms for making various medicines. The flower of the plant is used as vegetable while the fruit is used for skin whitening, oil is also extracted from its seeds. This plant is sold at high prices in Chitral and outside Yasin valley. Its collection throughout the valley is increased a lot with the passage of time as more people are now aware of uses of this herb and also getting economical benefit from it.
All along Yasin valley
Isphundur is also a plant that is naturally grown throughout the Yasin valley and people use this plant for various purposes such as the seeds of the plants are used for cleaning the digestive tracts, also considered to be air purifier and locals consider this plant as good luck. People also burn this plant before the starting of grazing season. It takes away the evil eye from the house in which it is planted and is considered to be owned by the Jinns.
All along Yasin valley
The boulders used in megaliths across the valley are mostly granitic in composition and are from the valley lithology. These boulders are rounded, indicating that these are transported by the river or other water channels. The surfaces appear to be weathered due to exposure to temperature variation and winds in the valley.
Along the river channels
Fluvially carved stones are often used for decorating shrines and graves by the community members. Since these stones often have colored layers and patterns, people assume that these are crafted by supernatural beings in the valley. The outer surface of these rocks are rusted or stained exhibiting darker color while the fresh surface shows patterns or original layers created at the time of formation of these rocks. There is a variety of rocks that can be seen all across the landscape. Each rock tells a story of its journey by the river and the processes it experinced during its formation.
Water adapts naturally to the changing seasons and conditons
Turbit, gushing water of the roaring Indus during summer season infer the picking power of the river after meltdown of glaciers. It also infers the abbrasion of the river to pick everything that comes along its way downstream.
Water adapts naturally to the changing seasons and conditons
The calm, deep blue waters of the mighty Indus during the winters tells a story of the icey winters in the valley with glaciers locking back water. It also tells that the river is running on low energy and does not pick alot of material on its way downstream.
The sandy silty soil mixed with clay from the fields is used for making bricks that later formed the houses, mosques and every built structure in older times. These days these mud bricks are replaced by concrete block.
The loamy soil of the valley with a creamy texture was used for making pottery by some of the most skilled hands in the area. This was practiced in Mehdiabad.
The wood craft used to be part of every building but with the passage of time the craft did not transfer to the younger generation. Currently, only few craftsmen know the skill of wood crafting and meaning of each unique pattern. Each pattern had a meaning and held hidden msgs within the carved pattern